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  1. Embedded Software & Tools
  2. EXT_EP-9639

Incorrect assert fires if SlNetIfNDK_recvFrom() is passed MSG_DONTWAIT


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Icon: Medium Medium
    • Network Development Kit
    • NDK-469
    • NDK_3_60_00
    • NDK_3_75_00

      See E2E post: https://e2e.ti.com/support/processors/f/791/t/834640#pi320966=3

      NDK_recvfrom() will return an error if MSG_DONTWAIT is passed and no data is ready. SockRecv() is ultimately called in this path and that will exit with an error without filling in the sockaddr struct if MSG_DONTWAIT is used and no data is ready for the socket. 

      SlNetIfNDK_recvFrom() checks the sockaddr struck BEFORE checking the return code of NDK_recvfrom(), and will thus cause an assert to be fired. 

      SlNetIfNDK_recvFrom() should check the return value first, and return with an error if there is an issue. 

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