Resolution: Fixed
SimpleLink CC13x2-26x2 SDK BLE5 Stack
BLE Stack BLE5-2.2.1 RC5
SDK version: simplelink_cc13x2_26x2_sdk_4_40_00_44
problem description:
When repetitively connecting and disconnecting (by disappearing from the network) with a central to peripheral project(enable HEAPMGR_METRICS in the peripheral), you can see that heapmgrMemAlo/heapmgrMemMax just keeps growing. Also, the count for number of active connections rises, although there is only one device.
reproducibility: 100%
steps to reproduce:
- Flash one CC26x2 launchpads with the multi-role attached here, and HEAPMGR_METRICS enabled.
- Flash one CC26x2 launchpads with a modified simple_central project(ble5_simple_central_cc26x2r1lp_app_src_FlashOnly_Release.hex). The modified sc project has DEFAULT_DEV_DISC_BY_SVC_UUID set to true, no pairing, thus will automatically search for the multi-role and connect to it. After 1s, the sc device will reset. Then it will search for multi-role project again and connect to it.
- if the central doesnt reset, but just disconnects, try to reset it manually just after it finishes the connection, and then the peripheral will "think" it connected to a new device, before it gets the timeout and disconnects from the previous connection.
Additional Observation:
- If the simple_central sends GAP_TerminateLinkReq() instead of just disappearing from the network(reset), then you won't see the memory leak.
- If max_ble_conn = 1, you won't see the memory leak.