Resolution: Won't Implement
Not Prioritized
Code Generation Tools
With BU agreement that this is too narrow of a use case for doing any feature work, rejecting since we will never address.
The attached file contains this function ...
void Gpio_example1(void) { int j; for(;;) { for(j=0;j<30;j++) { GpioDataRegs.GPADAT.all = tab[j]; } } }
Build it ...
% cl2000 -o3 --float_support=fpu32 -s try1.c
Inspect the resulting assembly file to see ...
;*** ----------------------- #pragma LOOP_FLAGS(4096u) $C$L1: ;*** -----------------------g2: ;*** ----------------------- U$7 = &tab[0]; ;** 10653 ----------------------- _j = 0; ;*** ----------------------- #pragma MUST_ITERATE(30, 30, 30) ;*** ----------------------- #pragma LOOP_FLAGS(4096u) MOVL XAR4,#_tab ; [CPU_ARAU] .dwpsn file "try1.c",line 10653,column 13,is_stmt,isa 0 MOVB AL,#0 ; [CPU_ALU] |10653| $C$L2: ;*** -----------------------g3: ;** 10655 ----------------------- GpioDataRegs._GPADAT._all = *U$7++; ;** 10653 ----------------------- if ( (++_j) >= 30 ) goto g2; .dwpsn file "try1.c",line 10655,column 13,is_stmt,isa 0 MOVL XAR6,*XAR4++ ; [CPU_ALU] |10655| .dwpsn file "try1.c",line 10653,column 17,is_stmt,isa 0 ADDB AL,#1 ; [CPU_ALU] |10653| MOVW DP,#_GpioDataRegs ; [CPU_ARAU] CMPB AL,#30 ; [CPU_ALU] |10653| .dwpsn file "try1.c",line 10655,column 13,is_stmt,isa 0 MOVL @$BLOCKED(_GpioDataRegs),XAR6 ; [CPU_FPU] |10655| .dwpsn file "try1.c",line 10653,column 17,is_stmt,isa 0 B $C$L1,GEQ ; [CPU_ALU] |10653| ; branchcc occurs ; [] |10653| ;** 10653 ----------------------- goto g3; B $C$L2,UNC ; [CPU_ALU] |10653| ; branch occurs ; [] |10653|
Notice the branches back to the top of the loop in the auto-generated comments. They branch back to the incorrect label. goto g2 and goto g3 should be swapped. The assembly code branches make the same error.