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The following code prints '-0x1.d6f3457f35ba8p+26' for the value of high.
Using the gcc or TI arm compiler, the value is '-0x1.d6f3457f35ba7p+26'.
It appears to be a floating point rounding error caused by the addition (+) or subtraction (-) arithmetic operators.
#include <cmath>
#include <stdio.h>
#define BOUND 0.00000001
double _x9 = -123456789.987654321;
double _y9 = 9.0;
double ans9 = -123456789.987654321;
int main()
double val = std::nextafter(_x9, _y9);
double low = ans9 - BOUND;
double high = ans9 + BOUND;
printf("%a %a (%zu)\n", _x9, _y9, sizeof(double));
printf("%a < %a < %a ?\n", low, val, high);
if (val >= low && val <= high) printf("Yes!\n");
else printf("No!\n");