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This happens in 16.9.X.LTS because the ECC initialization code iterates over an unsorted list. This list's order happens to be non-deterministic. The ECC code was refactored significantly before the 17.3 branch, and now uses a set, which is always ordered. Thus, the problem will not occur in 17.3.0.STS or any release thereafter. We do not plan to address this for the 16.9.X.LTS branch.
This happens in 16.9.X.LTS because the ECC initialization code iterates over an unsorted list. This list's order happens to be non-deterministic. The ECC code was refactored significantly before the 17.3 branch, and now uses a set, which is always ordered. Thus, the problem will not occur in 17.3.0.STS or any release thereafter. We do not plan to address this for the 16.9.X.LTS branch.