Resolution: Unresolved
Code Generation Tools
No plans to address at this time.
If the user specifies the stack size with the linker option -stack, and also defines a .stack section in the linker command file, and also uses the "dot" operator to increase the size of .stack (e.g. . += 0x1000), the linker will emit a misleading warning message which claims the stack was created with the size specified with -stack, when actually the stack is created properly with the increased size demanded by the dot operator in the .stack section.
Please view this forum post: https://e2e.ti.com/support/processors-group/processors/f/processors-forum/1012809/ccstudio-ccs10-1-1---arm---ti-v20-2-4-lts/3743878#3743878 for an example of the problem.