Resolution: Fixed
Code Composer Studio Theia
Some C2000Ware example projects have broken links when imported to the workspace.
Example project: https://dev.ti.com/tirex/explore/node?node=A__ABVPKj2h8wnu3Tqyp5FwsQ__C2000WARE__1kRFgrO__LATEST
The issue is that the project relies on variable COM_TI_C2000WARE_INSTALL_DIR which is not defined. When checking the product dependencies for the project, it is empty. If I manually add C2000Ware, then the variable gets defined and the links are no longer broken.
The interesting thing is that importing the same exact project in CCS Eclipse does not have this issue. The imported project has a dependency on C2000Ware already configured.
It looks like it CCS Eclipse we add this dependency to the project on import while this does not happen on CCS 20.
This issue seems to happen with example projects for older devices that are not projectspec based.