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  1. Embedded Software & Tools
  2. EXT_EP-11738

The instructions DMB and NOP are disassembled incorrectly by tiarmdis


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: Medium Medium

      The attached file has these lines ...

      #include <stdatomic.h>
      extern atomic_flag flag;
      void test()
          atomic_flag_test_and_set_explicit(&flag, memory_order_acquire);

      Build it. Then disassemble.

      % tiarmclang -mcpu=cortex-r5 -O3 -c file.c
      % tiarmdis file.o
      Disassembly of file.o:
      TEXT Section .text.test, 0x28 bytes at 0x00000000
      000000:              test:
      000000:               .arm
      000000: 001000E3         MOVW            R1, #0
      000004: 0100A0E3         MOV             R0, #1
      000008: 001040E3         MOVT            R1, #0
      00000c: 00F020E3         MSR             CPSR_, #0
      000010: 9F2FD1E1         LDREXB          R2, [R1]
      000014: 902FC1E1         STREXB          R2, R0, [R1]
      000018: 000052E3         CMP             R2, #0
      00001c: FBFFFF1A         BNE             0x00000010
      000020: 5BF07FF5         PLD             0xFFFFFFCD
      000024: 1EFF2FE1         BX              R14

      The MSR and PLD instructions are wrong. Compare that to the correct output of tiarmobjdump -d ...

      % tiarmobjdump -d file.o
      file.o: file format elf32-littlearm
      Disassembly of section .text.test:
      00000000 <test>:
             0: e3001000      movw    r1, #0
             4: e3a00001      mov     r0, #1
             8: e3401000      movt    r1, #0
             c: e320f000      nop
            10: e1d12f9f      ldrexb  r2, [r1]
            14: e1c12f90      strexb  r2, r0, [r1]
            18: e3520000      cmp     r2, #0
            1c: 1afffffb      bne     0x10 <test+0x10>        @ imm = #-20
            20: f57ff05b      dmb     ish
            24: e12fff1e      bx      lr

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