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  1. Embedded Software & Tools
  2. EXT_EP-11442

Repeatedly changing connection PHY sometimes causes connection timeout during long-term stability testing


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Icon: Urgent Urgent
    • SimpleLink Lowpower SDK F3 BLE5 Stack
    • BLE_LOKI-721
    • BLE Stack BLE5-3.2.1 RC16
    • Hide
      BLE Stack BLE5-3.2.2 RC5
      BLE Stack BLE5-3.2.2
      BLE Stack BLE5-3.2.2 RC5 BLE Stack BLE5-3.2.2
    • CC23xx

      During Stability connection tests on CC2340R5 (using CC2652R1 multirole [as central]), it was found that repeatedly changing connection PHY over time causes Connection Timeout (reason 0x08).


      1. This issue is not reproduced when Peripheral is CC2652R1 or CC1354P10-1
      2. Following this issue, Connection Stability was tested without changing PHY but only performing GATT operations - the issue was not reproduced
      3. This issue is not 100% reproduced (only occurs in some casing and time varies)

      In one case, 24 minutes after connection established between CC2340R5 and CC2652R1, and right after changing connection PHY from Coded to 1M, the connection was terminated due to Connection Timeout:

      Before that, the 2 sides managed to change PHY 10 times and perform 9 GATT Read and Write operations.

      Test sequence:

      1. CC2340R5 is flashed with Basic BLE in Peripheral
      2. CC26X2R1 serves as a Central and flashed Multi Role
      3. Connection is created between the 2 sides
      4. Pairing and Bonding done successfully
      5. Every 2 minutes, the Multi Role (functions as Central) performs:
      • GATT Write and Read
      • Connection PHY is randomly changed to: 1M, 2M or coded

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