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  1. Embedded Software & Tools
  2. EXT_EP-10749

Long function name causes C2000 CLA compiler to fail with INTERNAL ERROR: cgcla experienced a segmentation fault


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: Medium Medium
    • Code Generation Tools
    • CODEGEN-9682
    • C2000_21.6.0.LTS
    • default
    • Hide
      Shorten the variable name reported by the INTERNAL ERROR:
      INTERNAL ERROR: cgcla experienced a segmentation fault
                        while processing function CLLLC_calculatePWMDutyPeriodPhaseShiftTicks_primToSecPowerFlow

      Or disable debug -g with: --symdebug:none
      Shorten the variable name reported by the INTERNAL ERROR: INTERNAL ERROR: cgcla experienced a segmentation fault                   while processing function CLLLC_calculatePWMDutyPeriodPhaseShiftTicks_primToSecPowerFlow Or disable debug -g with: --symdebug:none

      A CLA file, file.cla, has below line which creates a function with a long name.

      static inline void CLLLC_calculatePWMDutyPeriodPhaseShiftTicks_primToSecPowerFlow(void)

      Build it ...

      % cl2000 -@options.txt file.cla
      INTERNAL ERROR: cgcla experienced a segmentation fault
                        while processing function CLLLC_calculatePWMDutyPeriodPhaseShiftTicks_primToSecPowerFlow
      This is caused by a defect in the TI G3 C/C++ Codegen.
      TI Customer Support may be able to suggest a workaround to avoid this.
      Upgrading to the newest version of the compiler may fix this problem.
      Contact TI in the E2E support forums at http://e2e.ti.com under
      "Development Tools", "TI C/C++ Compiler".  See the link titled
      "Submitting an issue".
      We need to see this ENTIRE error message and a complete, reproducible
      test case including ALL of the command-line options.
      Include the .pp file created by option --preproc_with_comment
      >> Compilation failure

      Change that long function name to something shorter, and it builds clean.

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