Resolution: Implemented
SimpleLink CC13x2-26x2 SDK BLE5 Stack
Add Extended Advertise Support.
Implement the following APIs in the porting layer:
- bt_le_ext_adv_update_param
- bt_le_ext_adv_set_data
- bt_le_ext_adv_start
- bt_le_ext_adv_stop
- bt_le_ext_adv_create
When AE is used, the user can use its capability to send large payload without segmentation
To use the AE large data sending, increase the size of a mesh msg segment to 226 bytes when AE is used (which is the max possible size to send without using BLE segmentation).
Why the size is 226?
- The size of an AE packet is 255 bytes.
- The advertise header size is 2 bytes.
- The extended header size is 9 bytes.
- The Mesh network header + NetMIC size is 9 + 4 bytes.
- The lower transport layer header size is 4 bytes.
- After reducing 2-5 from the AE packet size, we have 226 bytes left for Mesh msg data.