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  1. Embedded Software & Tools
  2. EXT_EP-10405

Incorrect code generated for reading bit field that is larger than 16-bits


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Won't Fix
    • Icon: Not Prioritized Not Prioritized

      The attached file has these lines ...

      struct bit_field_tag {
         uint32_t u8  :  8;
         uint32_t u24 : 24;
      } global_bit_field;
      uint32_t fxn() { return global_bit_field.u24; }

      Build it ...

      % cl2000 -s bf_bug.c

      Inspect the resulting assembly to see these lines.

      ;   8 | uint32_t fxn() { return global_bit_field.u24; }
              MOVW      DP,#_global_bit_field ; [CPU_ARAU]
              CLRC      SXM                   ; [CPU_ALU]
              MOVL      ACC,@_global_bit_field ; [CPU_ALU] |8|
              SFR       ACC,8                 ; [CPU_ALU] |8|
              ANDB      AH,#255               ; [CPU_ALU] |8|

      The ANDB should not be present. For confirmation, build the same code with optimization ...

      % cl2000 -s -o bf_bug.c

      This generates ...

      ;*** 8  -----------------------    return *&global_bit_field>>8;
              MOVW      DP,#_global_bit_field ; [CPU_ARAU]
              CLRC      SXM                   ; [CPU_ALU]
              .dwpsn  file "bf_bug.c",line 8,column 18,is_stmt,isa 0
              MOVL      ACC,@_global_bit_field ; [CPU_ALU] |8|
              SFR       ACC,8                 ; [CPU_ALU] |8|

      Note the ANDB is not present.

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