[EXT_EP-11523] MCU Reset not performed by SYSFW but direct register write instead Created: 09/Nov/23  Updated: 06/Jul/24  Resolved: 06/Jul/24

Status: Declined
Project: Embedded Software & Tools
Component/s: None
Affects Version/s: None
Fix Version/s: None

Type: Bug Priority: Medium
Reporter: TI User Assignee: TI User
Resolution: Won't Fix Votes: 0
Remaining Estimate: Not Specified
Time Spent: Not Specified
Original Estimate: Not Specified

Product: MCAL
Internal ID: MCAL-12556
Forum URL: https://e2e.ti.com/e2eprivate/valeo/valeo-ep-automotive/f/valeo-emid-jacinto-forum/1239046/tda4vl-q1-tvemid-perfroming-sw-reset-mcu_perform_reset
Found In Release: MCUSW_J7_02.00.01
Fix In Release: MCUSW_J7_10.x
Affected Platform/Device: j721e-evm
Decline Reason: This requires a design change in MCU module.


E2E Thread: https://e2e.ti.com/e2eprivate/valeo/valeo-ep-automotive/f/valeo-emid-jacinto-forum/1239046/tda4vl-q1-tvemid-perfroming-sw-reset-mcu_perform_reset

The MCAL MCU driver performs the Soft System Reset through a direct register write of the CTRL_MMR register:

140 /*******************************************************************************
141  * Mcu_PerformSoftSysReset
142  ******************************************************************************/
143 /*! \brief      This function will perform system reset.
144  *
145  ******************************************************************************/
146  /*
147  *Design: MCAL-8452,MCAL-8444
148  */
149 void Mcu_PerformSoftSysReset(uint32 resetVal)

{ 151     ¦uint32 regRDVal = 0; 152  153     ¦LLD_REG32_WR(&rstaddr->MAIN_WARM_RST_CTRL, MCU_PERFORM_RESET_MASK); 154  155 }


Customers may wonder why this task is not performed through the SYSFW provided interface. It does not seem to be documented anywhere on the design decision for directly accessing the register and bypassing SYSFW. The design documents do allude to SYSFW as a possibility: Reset of Device (SoC):
• Reset is performed by using the setting the appropriate bits of the hardware register for the domain. Also, Sci Client API’s could be used to perform warm reset.

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