[EXT_EP-10524] QNX: SRV File I/O failing with specific car model Created: 20/Aug/21  Updated: 28/Jan/25  Resolved: 28/Jan/25

Status: Declined
Project: Embedded Software & Tools
Component/s: None
Affects Version/s: None
Fix Version/s: None

Type: Bug Priority: Low
Reporter: TI User Assignee: TI User
Resolution: Won't Fix Votes: 0
Remaining Estimate: Not Specified
Time Spent: Not Specified
Original Estimate: Not Specified

Product: Processor SDK - Jacinto
Internal ID: ADASVISION-4080
Found In Release: SDK_J7_07_00_00
Fix In Release: PROCESSOR_SDK_10.02.00
Affected Platform/Device: j721e-evm
Decline Reason: Rejecting as and pickup with SRV later if needed


The SRV file I/O app segfaults when run in QNX.  The segfault observed is below:

Process 77841 (vx_app_srv_fileio.out) terminated SIGSEGV code=1 fltno=11 ip=0000000001079374(/usr/lib/ldqnx-64.so.2@__memcpy_isr+0x00000000000001b4) mapaddr=0000000000079374. ref=00000000109ad000
Memory fault (core dumped)


From a first level debug, the segfault is coming in the call to PVRTModelPODFlattenToWorldSpace which is called inside car_init when loading all the car models.  This issue happens for the SUV car model, which is not being used.  However, if this car model is removed from the build, the file I/O app works as expected.  I'm not sure if this is due to an issue in the graphics driver for QNX.


This is now failing for Linux as well and corruption is seen on the output

The Linux issue was fixed by fixing the issue causing ADASVISION-4577

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